Attendance PSA
Compulsory School Attendance
The Laws you need to Know...
What are the school attendance requirements in California?
- Every person between the ages of 6 and 18 yrs. of age is required to attend school daily and on time (Ed. Code 48200)
- Those under 6 yrs. of age are expected to attend school regularly and on time once they are enrolled in an educational program such as Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergarten
- It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to ensure lawful attendance
What is considered an excused absence?
- A student's illness (school may require a doctor's note if absences are excessive)
- Quarantine under the direction of a health officer
- Medical, dental, or eye appointments (require a doctor's note)
- Attending the funeral of an immediate family member: one day in California, three days when out of state. Immediate family member means student's mother, father, sibling, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or any relative living in the immediate household of the student (Ed. Code 45194)
- Court appearance when the student's name is on the subpoena
- Religious holiday/retreat/ceremony (max 4 hrs. per semester; with prior written request from the parent and school approval).
What is considered an unexcused absence?
- The following reasons given to the teacher are examples of what will be considered unexcused: "student was out of town," "transportation problem," "parent/sister/brother was ill," "personal reasons," "bad weather," "student was feeling tired and could not get out of bed," etc. All other reasons not listed in the previous section explaining excused absences.
What is considered truant?
- A student is classified as truant when absent, or tardy in excess of 30 minutes, for 3 days or more in a school year without a phone call or note from the parent providing a valid excuse. The student has been absent or tardy from school an excessive amount of time without excusable verfication.
Operation School Bell
Operation School Bell is a project of Assistance League of San Pedro-Southbay. It is designed to assist families who are experiencing difficulties in providing suitable school clothing for their Kindergarten through Fifth grade children.
Forms are available in Ms. Nantrece Carraby in the PSA Office. Please visit the Main Office if you have any questions.
Items your child may receive:
- Uniform pants
- Shirts/ blouse
- Sweater
- Socks
- Shoes
- Skirt
- Jumper
Pupil Services and Attendance Counselors
Ms. Mariela Ayala will be working together to assist teachers, parents, and our students to make sure we successfully achieve daily attendance. There are also various other services that she will be providing to our parent and student community. Her office is located in our Main Office. If you need to speak to her or make an appointment please call (323) 756-1371.