Safe Schools Healthy Students
Woodcrest Elementary school in partnership with local public mental health, law enforcement, and juvenile justice entities will be working to focus on:
- Creating a safe school environment and promoting violence prevention activities
- Encourage student behavioral, social, and emotional support networks
- Provide necessary mental health and counseling services
- Provide early childhood social and emotional learning programs
Our school main objectives are to:
- Engage students in more pro-social behaviors
- Promote positive mental health
- Prevent violent behavior
- Collaborate with parents, community, and other agencies or social services to ensure the wellbeing of each student
We are committed to improving our school through the efforts of staff collaboration:
Safe Schools Healthy Students Initiative has been assigned to Woodcrest Elementary School to support the goals of the School Improvement Grant in the following ways:
- Work directly with students, teachers, and families to provide mental health services
- Assist in coordinating the implementation of Second Step: Violence Prevention Curriculum
- Provide mentors for students through partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters and members of West Athens Community Task Force
- Promote Substance Abuse Awareness/ Prevention lessons and activities
- Coordinate and teach Bully Prevention/Intervention
- Provide daily discipline intervention, student counseling, and classroom behavior management assistance
- Introduce Coordination of Services Team (COST) and monitor data, link services to support student academic, social, and behavioral needs
We are pleased to have other staff and outside agencies such as:
- LAUSD Mental Health
- LAUSD School Police
- The Audrey & Sydney L.A. Sherriff's Youth Center
- LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH)
- Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS)
- St. John's Medcal Centers
- LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
- Kedren Mental Health
- LA County Department of Public Health
- LA County Probation Department
- LA County Human Relations Commission
Our 5th-grade students also participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey as a way to measure our success and drive decision-making about our school's care and services. Please visit our Main Office if you would like more information.
Health Support Staff
Morgan Anders
Speech Therapist
Woodcrest Elementary School
Phone: 323-756-1371
William Cullen
Psychiatric Social Worker
Woodcrest Elementary School
Phone: 323-756-1371
Tina Haymond
School Psychologist
Woodcrest Elementary School
Phone: 323-756-1371
Aderonke Omole
School Nurse
Teaching Diversity
Every month we will post important articles that address important issues to help build positive relations among a diverse community. Scholastic is a wonderful resource to give parents, students, and teachers information. Our featured article this month "Teaching Diversity; A Place to Begin," emphasizes the importance of educators teaching children respect for cultural differences. We hope you enjoy this article!
Is Your Child Having a Problem at School?
Here are some quicktips that may help to solve a problem your child is facing at school:
1. Talk calmly with your child. Ask questions and listen quietly. Often the solution will become clear just by talking about it.
2. Talk with the teacher. Include your child in the discussion if the teacher thinks that would help. Teachers will see things from another point of view. Listen politely, explain your views and ask your child to do the same. Don't be concerned with assigning blame; concentrate on finding a solution.
3. Talk with the school principal. If you, your child and the teacher cannot find a good solution, meet with your principal. The principal has lots of experience with student problems and can add yet another perspective. A calm, courteous discussion is almost sure to produce a solution that works for everyone. If not, the principal can advise you about the next steps you can consider.
At Woodcrest, we have formal parent complaint forms available in the Main Office. You can fill one out addressing the problem and providing as many details as possible. An appointment to meet with the school principal will be made and you will be notified by phone. Please include current phone numbers or a good contact number where you can be reached.
The Quicktips are provided by, "The Parent Institute."